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Dear Wellness Rockstars

The staff at the Wellness Center understand that in the last few weeks, the whole world has changed, and you are now facing almost daily, new, and unusual COVID-19 academic/life challenges.

We want to connect you to resources and information. We want to connect you to solutions, to inspire you, and to cheer you on! How are we going to do all of this?

We are going Old School.

Yup, the good old fashioned advice column.

It’s called. “Dear Wellbe”

How does it work?

Send us your questions.

Sample questions: How do I manage my time? How do I study at home? How do I manage my stress? How do I get tutoring? How do I exercise? What’s a healthy snack? How do I communicate with my professor?

Question’s that have a positive impact and overall helpfulness to the student experience will be picked, answered, and then shared back through our Rockstar listserv on Thursdays. A selected few might even make it to our website!

Readers will see the original question and the answer, but they will not know the name of the individual who shared it.

Write Your Questions to Wellbe Here!