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Contact Us



Directions Questions?

We are located on the 2nd floor of the “South” section of Student Center East, over the bowling alley and behind Circle Burger.  If entering via Halsted Street side (East), you would take a left once inside the building.  Take the elevator or the stairs (just before the bowling alley entrance) up one level to the 2nd floor.  Walk straight through the Inner Circle food court and past Circle Burger.  Go through the glass doors, and make a left.  If you are entering via the lecture center side (West), you will take a right once inside the building.  Take the stairwell on the right, after the UIC ID Center, but before the bowling alley.  Take the stairs up one level to the 2nd floor.


Please call us during office hours at 312-413-2120

Wellness Center Heading link

750 S Halsted St. Suite 238, Student Center East (SCE), (MC 894), Chicago, Illinois 60607