Dealing With Failure

Just because you have failed doesn’t make you a Failure.
xa Heading link
That feeling you have when you have a mental blank during a final, having to retake a course and that thought of disappointment—that’s called “Failure”. Yes, we’ve all heard that failing is a part of life, growth and strength. But, that doesn’t lessen the blow to your self-esteem and confidence. There are going to be moments of adversity and challenges everywhere, having the ability to control your emotions and have a strong mental fortitude is key.
Here are 4 tips from the American Psychological Association (APA) for overcoming a failure and a failed mindset:
- Accept the defeat and how you feel at this moment: It’s ok, to question your idea and yourself, but don’t stay there. Adjust your plan and strategies, ask for help when needed. Learn to settle your mind and acknowledge your emotions in every situation. This practice is easier said than done, be mindful and breathe. We’re playing chess, not checkers, every move is a lesson towards success.
- Be persistent. Don’t Quit: were often conditioned in life to give up when things get difficult and hard. This is where your self-confidence and self-esteem need to kick in. Here are some ways to build self-esteem daily:
- Believing in yourself and trust the process, you’re moving forward to success.
- Find Inspiration and have a Support system in place: Life experience is the best way to learn from defeat. Asking open-ended questions is more insightful than any book you can read. Learning from their setbacks and low-points is a road map to your path to success. Lets not re-invite the wheel, let’s make it a better wheel.
Resources: Heading link
- UIC Wellness Center: Offers a wide range of FREE services and workshops for all UIC students. A vital technique to learn and practice is Stress Relief and resilience. Building a strong foundation of support is important for growth and overcoming obstacles. Take a moment and check out UIC Wellness Stress relief place:
- Faculty Focus: is an in-person and virtual outlet with career, personal and concentration elements of success. They offer techniques, webinars and volunteer opportunities with professionals in any field. Sharing personal goals, failures and progress in life and careers.
- Is a free app that teaches individuals how to reframe your thinking and mental outlook in: work, life, college and personal avenues. With a holistic approach at the center, it helps block out distractions and balance what is important to you. The timer break alert is a great addition to help maximize the amount of new information you can intake in one sitting.
Failure is part of success: Eduardo Zanatta Heading link
3 ways to boost your self esteem Heading link
Modified on November 05, 2020