DIY Empowerment Journals
October 19, 2020
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

SCE 613 (behind the elevators in 6th floor tower)
750 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL 60607
Download iCal File
Hello Flames,
The Wellness Center invites you to participate in our in-person DIYÂ Empowerment Journal in SCE room 613 from 1:30-3:30pm! Come sit and chat with other students and Wellness staff as we express our creative side. Come talk to us on the importance of self-care and how journaling can help you reduce stress. (*Journals will be provided. Suppplies limited)
Due to COVID-19 space is limited, so please register in advance so we keep track of flow and guest.
COVID-19 Safety precautions:
- Students must register with a time slot
- No more than 10 students allowed in at one time
- All participants must wear a facial cloth at all times
- No food or beverages
- Students will be sitting on the edge of 6ft. tables to promote social distancing
- All tables will be spread out 6ft. apart from one another
Some Benefits of Journaling:
- It's Cathartic!
- Boosts self-confidence
- Boosts mood
- Helps achieve goals
- Helps you communicate with others
- Form of self-care
Date posted
Sep 25, 2020
Date updated
Sep 25, 2020