35 Self-Care Ideas For You To Try!
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35 Self-care ideas for you to try: (We recognize self-care looks different for everyone, so we encourage you to pick out a few new ideas that resonate with you)
- Disconnect from social media. Take a social media detox.
- Switch off your smartphone for 24 hours
- Write a list of compliments to yourself
- Declutter 10 items
- Pick or buy a bouquet of fresh flowers
Do something crafty: coloring, knitting, sewing
Watch funny YouTube videos
Have a dance party to your favorite music
Walk around the fancy grocery store without a list. Buy some stuff just for fun
Sing at the top of your lungs
Go to the park and play on the playground. Be a kid again!
Wear an outfit that makes you feel great even if you have no reason to ( YOU ARE the reason!).
- Read a book, blog, or magazine that makes you happy. If you’re new to reading/want to dive back into reading for fun, start by reading the book that made you fall in love with books and adventure.
Make yourself a batch of infused water to sip on
- Listen to your favorite podcast.
- Listen to your favorite music playlist
- Meditate. Research shows meditating for 30min a day may help reduce overall stress.
- Sleep in on the weekend
- Call a friend or family member that makes you laugh
Write a letter (or an email) to an old friend
Research something that you’ve been interested in but haven’t had the time to dive into
- Color in, draw, or paint
- Do some yoga
- Breathe
- Exercise
- Reorganize your room
- Spend quality time with a loved one
- Go to bed early. Take a look at this article for tips on a bedtime ritual: https://www.mentemia.com/blog/bedtime-rituals-for-better-sleep
- Drink herbal tea
- Cook your favorite meal or maybe a fancy meal
- Do random acts of kindness/ do something kind for someone
- Drink a full glass of water
- Hug a loved one
- Take a mini-vacation and visit a museum: art, children’s, history, science—whatever brings you joy that day!
- Press pause and reflect. Check out this 1 min video for ideas on pausing and reflecting. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GatKaBMw0BM&ab_channel=HalfofUs
For more self-care ideas, visit our Self-care page on our website here: https://wellnesscenter.uic.edu/caring-for-your-flame/.
Modified on February 25, 2022