Drive to Thrive: Study Tips

Prepared by Sociology 490 Interns
Study Tips for Finals Week:
- Develop a study schedule and routine
- Do not skim your readings or cram the information
- 3R Technique: Read, Recite, Review
- Quiz yourself (notecards, quizlet, etc.)
- Form a study group
Balance Studying and Self-Care:
- Set realistic daily/weekly goals
- Try to take time to move/exercise each day
- Try to nourish your body and brain with healthy food and water
- Stay organized: Clear your mind and study space!
- Try to ignore negative self talk
- Listen to music, podcasts, TedTalks that put you in a positive mood
- For more information on self-care during finals week:
Test Anxiety? Try this Anxiety Control Method:
- Close your eyes
- Breathe in slowly to the count of seven and exhale to the count of seven
- Continue this slow breathing until you actually feel your body begin to relax
- Open your eyes and give yourself a positive, very specific self-talk
For more information and tips visit the PowerPoint below!
Modified on June 22, 2023