Schedule an Appt. With Your Physician

Hello Flames Family,
We are now in year 3 of living through a pandemic, the re-emergence of monkeypox, and the start of flu season.
So now more than ever, it's the best time to take care of ourselves. That being said, we would like to encourage and empower you to schedule a visit with your primary care physician for your yearly checkup. This is an important appointment because it promotes physical and emotional well-being. As a busy student, your overall health and self-care routine is critical for all that you have to do. Below, Check-out the benefits of getting a Check-up!
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Benefits of scheduling an appointment with your doctor, Include:
- get an assessment of your health needs and be on the right path to wellness.
- having a conversation about your aches, pains, or health screenings
- getting an assessment on your baselines and screening for early detection of various illnesses
- staying up to date on any vaccinations.
- getting tested for STIs or STDs alone or with your partner. Tip. Get tested for STIs at the beginning of establishing a new sexual partner and after three months, as it may take a little while for your body to show signs of an STI/STD.
What benefits do I have as a UIC Student?
- Campus Care
- UIC offers a “student health benefit” called Campus Care. It is not health insurance, it is a “benefit.” As a student, your paid tuition dollars and acceptance of Campus Care as your “student health benefit” allows you to schedule an appointment with Family Medicine to see a physician or get a test. Accepting Campus Care means that you did not “waive” out of its services.
- Student Health Fee
- You may have noticed on your tuition bill that you paid a Student Health Fee. In addition to other free campus resources, this fee gives you select free services and tests at Family Medicine regardless of whether or not you waived out of Campus Care. One of these free services includes STD testing. Please remember your Student Health Fee only covers certain exams and tests at Family Medicine. To view what is and isn’t covered under your Student Health Fee view below.
Services covered through your Student Health Fee include: (information taken from Student Health at Family Medicine)
- care of acute illnesses and injuries
- testing for sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV)
- contraception counseling
- wellness visit that includes:
- Blood pressure
- BMI screening for obesity
- Breast cancer screening according to age and risk recommendations
- Exam to collect Pap test at recommended intervals (cost of the test will be billed to student’s insurance)
- Cholesterol screening
- Health advice and health counseling
- nurse visits to review immunizations (costs of immunizations will be billed to student’s health insurance)
Your Student Health Fee does NOT cover:
- preventative immunizations
- care of ongoing chronic diseases
- care provided by UI health physicians or clinics other than Family Medicine
- care provided by physicians, clinics, or hospitals outside UI Health
- laboratory testing other than covered tests listed above
- for health services not covered by Student Health, your private health insurance will be billed
*Disclaimer: If you have Campus Care, your visit is covered by Campus Care and not Student Health, so you will be billed a $15 co-pay for your visit. Check out your Campus Care benefits here.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Call 312-996-2901 to schedule an appointment at Family Medicine located at 722 S. Maxwell St., Suite 235
Family Medicine Location:
722 Maxwell St, suite 235
722 Maxwell St, suite 235
Modified on September 26, 2022