Self-Care is Self-Preservation
June 29, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Wellness Center wants to invite you to our upcoming Skillbuidler summer sessions! The Skillbuilder session below will be one of many summer events hosted by the UIC Wellness Center.
For registered UIC Students
Self-care is Self Preservation /Tuesday, June 29th, 3:00-4:00pm
Description: It's been a hectic week filled with deadlines, exams, and lots of work. Your fatigue and stress feels almost overwhelming. For all that you do, are you taking the time to recharge, heal, and support your overall health? This workshop encourages attendees to spend quality time on their well-being and to not feel guilty. It motivates and provides the tools to help make self-care happen. Participants will learn about: the Seven Pillars of Self-care, its definition of use, the risks associated with self-neglect, and gain the ideas and guidance needed to make self-care number one on their to-do-list. Free giveaway included (must register and attend the full event to receive giveaway).
**Please know in order to receive any of the following giveaways, you will be required to register for the event and attend the 30-45 minutes session from start to finish. Only when you register and attend the event will your name be put down on our list for you to pick up your giveaway (information on picking up giveaway will be sent to the email used to register).
If you have any questions and or concerns, please direct them to
For more information about our office, visit:
Date posted
Jun 9, 2021
Date updated
Jun 9, 2021