Resources for the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Take a look below for resources that fall under each dimension of Wellness!
Physical: Heading link
The physically well person eats when hungry and selects a varied and nutritionally balanced diet. They also get an adequate amount of sleep, engages in moderate to vigorous exercise 3-5 times a week, get routine medical check-ups appropriate to their age and risk factors, and takes safety precautions.
- Campus Recreation
- Staying Fit at Home
- Family Medicine
- UIC Pharmacy
- Nutrition Resources
- Nourish: A Guide to Building a Healthy Meal
- Food Safety Resources
- General Wellness
- Are You Getting Your 7 Hours of Sleep?
- Resources for the Student-Parent
- Student Assistance and Support Referral Report
- Basic Needs
Occupational: Heading link
The occupationally well person fulfills a socially defined role that is both stimulating and inherently rewarding. They choose a role (or several roles) that are consistent with beliefs, goals, lifestyle, personality and values.
Spiritual: Heading link
The spiritually well person displays a sense of purpose in life and makes life choices with integrity. They acknowledge a higher power of some kind, and engages in prayer, meditation or other means of connecting to humanity.
Environmental: Heading link
The environmentally well person recognizes the earth’s preciousness, and strives to minimize wasteful consumption or unnecessary destruction of animals, plant, elements or energy. They engage in recycling and conservation, protect natural resources, and strives for living spaces free of health hazards.
Financial: Heading link
The financially well person takes a responsibility is their personal finances and is always mindful of their spending. This person always lives within their means. This person is not just concerned about the “here and now” but they are also concerned and take an active role in saving for their future.
Social: Heading link
The socially well person has a network of friends and family to whom they can turn to for support, validation and sharing of life experiences. These relationships are based on interdependence (rather than codependence), mutual trust and respect, equity of power and cultural competence.
Intellectual: Heading link
The intellectually well person values education and engages in lifelong learning, and pursues activities that increase knowledge, develop moral reasoning, foster critical thinking and expand worldviews. In addition, they appreciate the fine arts, and values intuition, empathy and understanding as forms of knowing.
Emotional/Sexual: Heading link
The sexually well person accepts their sexual orientation, engages in sexual relationships that are consistent with their values and development, and refrains from using sex to manipulate or influence others. In addition, they minimize unwanted consequences through communication and protection. The emotionally well person is able to appropriately express and manage the entire range of feelings, including anger, fear, happiness and sadness. They possess high self- esteem, a sense of humor, and positive body image. This person also seeks support from a mental health professional when needed.